Листа кључних речи у програмирању на Питхон-у

Овај водич пружа кратке информације о свим кључним речима које се користе у Питхону.

Кључне речи су резервисане речи у Питхону. Кључну реч не можемо користити као име променљиве, име функције или било који други идентификатор.

Ево листе свих кључних речи у Питхон програмирању

Кључне речи у програмском језику Питхон
Нетачно чекати иначе увоз проћи
Ниједан пауза осим у подићи
Истина класа коначно је повратак
и Настави за ламбда покушати
као што деф од нелокалан док
тврдити дел глобална не са
асинх елиф ако или принос

Горе наведене кључне речи могу се изменити у различитим верзијама Питхона. Неки додаци се могу додати или неки уклонити. Списак кључних речи у вашој тренутној верзији увек можете добити укуцавањем следећег у упит.

  >>> import keyword >>> print(keyword.kwlist) ('False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', 'async', 'await', 'break', 'class', 'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'nonlocal', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'raise', 'return', 'try', 'while', 'with', 'yield') 

Опис кључних речи у Питхону са примерима

Тачно нетачно

Trueи Falseвредности су истине у Питхону. Они су резултати операција упоређивања или логичких (логичких) операција у Питхону. На пример:

  >>> 1 == 1 True >>> 5> 3 True >>> True or False True >>> 10 >> 3> 7 False >>> True and False False 

Овде можемо видети да су прве три изјаве тачне, па се тумач враћа Trueи враћа Falseза преостале три изјаве. Trueа Falseу питхон је исто што 1и 0. То се може оправдати следећим примером:

 >>> True == 1 True >>> False == 0 True >>> True + True 2 


None је посебна константа у Питхону која представља одсуство вредности или нулту вредност.

То је предмет сопственог ДатаТипе је NoneType. Не можемо створити више Noneобјеката, али га можемо доделити променљивим. Ове променљиве ће бити једнаке једна другој.

Морамо узети посебну бригу да Noneне имплицира False, 0или било коју празну листу, речник, низ итд На пример:

 >>> None == 0 False >>> None == () False >>> None == False False >>> x = None >>> y = None >>> x == y True 

Функције празнине које ништа не враћају Noneаутоматски ће вратити објект. Noneсе такође враћа функцијама у којима ток програма не наилази на наредбу ретурн. На пример:

  def a_void_function(): a = 1 b = 2 c = a + b x = a_void_function() print(x) 



Овај програм има функцију која не враћа вредност, иако извршава неке операције изнутра. Дакле, када одштампамо к, добијамо Noneкоји се аутоматски (имплицитно) враћа. Слично томе, ево још једног примера:

 def improper_return_function(a): if (a % 2) == 0: return True x = improper_return_function(3) print(x) 



Иако ова функција има returnисказ, до ње се не долази у сваком случају. Функција ће се вратити Trueсамо када је унос уједначен.

Ако функцији дамо непаран број, Noneимплицитно се враћа.

и, или, не

and, or, notСу логички оператори у Питхон. andрезултираће Trueсамо ако су оба операнда True. Табела истине andје дата у наставку:

and Табела истине за
А. Б. А и Б.
Истина Истина Истина
Истина Нетачно Нетачно
Нетачно Истина Нетачно
Нетачно Нетачно Нетачно

orрезултираће Trueако је који од операнда True. Табела истине orје дата у наставку:

or Табела истине за
А. Б. А или Б.
Истина Истина Истина
Истина Нетачно Истина
Нетачно Истина Истина
Нетачно Нетачно Нетачно

notОператор се користи за инвертовање вредности истине. Табела истине notје дата у наставку:

not Табела истине за
А. не А.
Истина Нетачно
Нетачно Истина

неки примери њихове употребе дати су у наставку

 >>> True and False False >>> True or False True >>> not False True 

као што

asкористи се за стварање псеудонима током увоза модула. То значи давање другог имена (кориснички дефинисаног) модулу током његовог увоза.

Као на пример, Питхон има стандардни модул који се зове math. Претпоставимо да желимо да израчунамо шта косинус пи користи алиас. То можемо учинити на следећи начин користећи as:

 >>> import math as myAlias >>>myAlias.cos(myAlias.pi) -1.0 

Овде смо увезли mathмодул дајући му име myAlias. Сада се можемо позивати на mathмодул са овим именом. Користећи ово име израчунали смо цос (пи) и добили -1.0одговор.


assert користи се у сврхе отклањања грешака.

Током програмирања, понекад желимо да сазнамо унутрашње стање или да проверимо да ли су наше претпоставке тачне. assertпомаже нам да ово урадимо и пронађемо грешке на лакши начин. assertпрати услов.

Ако је услов тачан, ништа се не дешава. Али ако је услов нетачан, AssertionErrorповишен је. На пример:

 >>> a = 4 >>> assert a >> assert a> 5 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 301, in runcode File "", line 1, in AssertionError 

For our better understanding, we can also provide a message to be printed with the AssertionError.

 >>> a = 4 >>> assert a> 5, "The value of a is too small" Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 301, in runcode File "", line 1, in AssertionError: The value of a is too small 

At this point we can note that,

 assert condition, message 

is equivalent to,

 if not condition: raise AssertionError(message)

async, await

The async and await keywords are provided by the asyncio library in Python. They are used to write concurrent code in Python. For example,

 import asyncio async def main(): print('Hello') await asyncio.sleep(1) print('world')

To run the program, we use


In the above program, the async keyword specifies that the function will be executed asynchronously.

Here, first Hello is printed. The await keyword makes the program wait for 1 second. And then the world is printed.

break, continue

break and continue are used inside for and while loops to alter their normal behavior.

break will end the smallest loop it is in and control flows to the statement immediately below the loop. continue causes to end the current iteration of the loop, but not the whole loop.

This can be illustrated with the following two examples:

 for i in range(1,11): if i == 5: break print(i) 


 1 2 3 4 

Here, the for loop intends to print numbers from 1 to 10. But the if condition is met when i is equal to 5 and we break from the loop. Thus, only the range 1 to 4 is printed.

 for i in range(1,11): if i == 5: continue print(i) 


 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 

Here we use continue for the same program. So, when the condition is met, that iteration is skipped. But we do not exit the loop. Hence, all the values except 5 are printed out.

Learn more about Python break and continue statement.


class is used to define a new user-defined class in Python.

Class is a collection of related attributes and methods that try to represent a real-world situation. This idea of putting data and functions together in a class is central to the concept of object-oriented programming (OOP).

Classes can be defined anywhere in a program. But it is a good practice to define a single class in a module. Following is a sample usage:

 class ExampleClass: def function1(parameters):… def function2(parameters):… 

Learn more about Python Objects and Class.


def is used to define a user-defined function.

Function is a block of related statements, which together does some specific task. It helps us organize code into manageable chunks and also to do some repetitive task.

The usage of def is shown below:

 def function_name(parameters):… 

Learn more about Python functions.


del is used to delete the reference to an object. Everything is object in Python. We can delete a variable reference using del

 >>> a = b = 5 >>> del a >>> a Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 301, in runcode File "", line 1, in NameError: name 'a' is not defined >>> b 5 

Here we can see that the reference of the variable a was deleted. So, it is no longer defined. But b still exists.

del is also used to delete items from a list or a dictionary:

  >>> a = ('x','y','z') >>> del a(1) >>> a ('x', 'z') 

if, else, elif

if, else, elif are used for conditional branching or decision making.

When we want to test some condition and execute a block only if the condition is true, then we use if and elif. elif is short for else if. else is the block which is executed if the condition is false. This will be clear with the following example:

 def if_example(a): if a == 1: print('One') elif a == 2: print('Two') else: print('Something else') if_example(2) if_example(4) if_example(1) 


 Two Something else One 

Here, the function checks the input number and prints the result if it is 1 or 2. Any input other than this will cause the else part of the code to execute.

Learn more about Python if and if… else Statement.

except, raise, try

except, raise, try are used with exceptions in Python.

Exceptions are basically errors that suggests something went wrong while executing our program. IOError, ValueError, ZeroDivisionError, ImportError, NameError, TypeError etc. are few examples of exception in Python. try… except blocks are used to catch exceptions in Python.

We can raise an exception explicitly with the raise keyword. Following is an example:

 def reciprocal(num): try: r = 1/num except: print('Exception caught') return return r print(reciprocal(10)) print(reciprocal(0)) 


 0.1 Exception caught None 

Here, the function reciprocal() returns the reciprocal of the input number.

When we enter 10, we get the normal output of 0.1. But when we input 0, a ZeroDivisionError is raised automatically.

This is caught by our try… except block and we return None. We could have also raised the ZeroDivisionError explicitly by checking the input and handled it elsewhere as follows:

 if num == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError('cannot divide') 


finally is used with try… except block to close up resources or file streams.

Using finally ensures that the block of code inside it gets executed even if there is an unhandled exception. For example:

 try: Try-block except exception1: Exception1-block except exception2: Exception2-block else: Else-block finally: Finally-block 

Here if there is an exception in the Try-block, it is handled in the except or else block. But no matter in what order the execution flows, we can rest assured that the Finally-block is executed even if there is an error. This is useful in cleaning up the resources.

Learn more about exception handling in Python programming.


for is used for looping. Generally we use for when we know the number of times we want to loop.

In Python we can use it with any type of sequences like a list or a string. Here is an example in which for is used to traverse through a list of names:

 names = ('John','Monica','Steven','Robin') for i in names: print('Hello '+i) 


 Hello John Hello Monica Hello Steven Hello Robin 

Learn more about Python for loop.

from, import

import keyword is used to import modules into the current namespace. from… import is used to import specific attributes or functions into the current namespace. For example:

 import math 

will import the math module. Now we can use the cos() function inside it as math.cos(). But if we wanted to import just the cos() function, this can done using from as

 from math import cos 

now we can use the function simply as cos(), no need to write math.cos().

Learn more on Python modules and import statement.


global is used to declare that a variable inside the function is global (outside the function).

If we need to read the value of a global variable, it is not necessary to define it as global. This is understood.

If we need to modify the value of a global variable inside a function, then we must declare it with global. Otherwise, a local variable with that name is created.

Following example will help us clarify this.

 globvar = 10 def read1(): print(globvar) def write1(): global globvar globvar = 5 def write2(): globvar = 15 read1() write1() read1() write2() read1() 


 10 5 5 

Here, the read1() function is just reading the value of globvar. So, we do not need to declare it as global. But the write1() function is modifying the value, so we need to declare the variable as global.

We can see in our output that the modification did take place (10 is changed to 5). The write2() also tries to modify this value. But we have not declared it as global.

Hence, a new local variable globvar is created which is not visible outside this function. Although we modify this local variable to 15, the global variable remains unchanged. This is clearly visible in our output.


in is used to test if a sequence (list, tuple, string etc.) contains a value. It returns True if the value is present, else it returns False. For example:

 >>> a = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) >>> 5 in a True >>> 10 in a False 

The secondary use of in is to traverse through a sequence in a for loop.

 for i in 'hello': print(i) 


 h e l l o 


is is used in Python for testing object identity. While the == operator is used to test if two variables are equal or not, is is used to test if the two variables refer to the same object.

It returns True if the objects are identical and False if not.

 >>> True is True True >>> False is False True >>> None is None True 

We know that there is only one instance of True, False and None in Python, so they are identical.

 >>> () == () True >>> () is () False >>> () == () True >>> () is () False 

An empty list or dictionary is equal to another empty one. But they are not identical objects as they are located separately in memory. This is because list and dictionary are mutable (value can be changed).

 >>> '' == '' True >>> '' is '' True >>> () == () True >>> () is () True 

Unlike list and dictionary, string and tuple are immutable (value cannot be altered once defined). Hence, two equal string or tuple are identical as well. They refer to the same memory location.


lambda is used to create an anonymous function (function with no name). It is an inline function that does not contain a return statement. It consists of an expression that is evaluated and returned. For example:

 a = lambda x: x*2 for i in range(1,6): print(a(i)) 


 2 4 6 8 10 

Here, we have created an inline function that doubles the value, using the lambda statement. We used this to double the values in a list containing 1 to 5.

Learn more about Python lamda function.


The use of nonlocal keyword is very much similar to the global keyword. nonlocal is used to declare that a variable inside a nested function (function inside a function) is not local to it, meaning it lies in the outer inclosing function. If we need to modify the value of a non-local variable inside a nested function, then we must declare it with nonlocal. Otherwise a local variable with that name is created inside the nested function. Following example will help us clarify this.

 def outer_function(): a = 5 def inner_function(): nonlocal a a = 10 print("Inner function: ",a) inner_function() print("Outer function: ",a) outer_function() 


 Inner function: 10 Outer function: 10 

Here, the inner_function() is nested within the outer_function.

The variable a is in the outer_function(). So, if we want to modify it in the inner_function(), we must declare it as nonlocal. Notice that a is not a global variable.

Hence, we see from the output that the variable was successfully modified inside the nested inner_function(). The result of not using the nonlocal keyword is as follows:

 def outer_function(): a = 5 def inner_function(): a = 10 print("Inner function: ",a) inner_function() print("Outer function: ",a) outer_function() 


 Inner function: 10 Outer function: 5 

Here, we do not declare that the variable a inside the nested function is nonlocal. Hence, a new local variable with the same name is created, but the non-local a is not modified as seen in our output.


pass is a null statement in Python. Nothing happens when it is executed. It is used as a placeholder.

Suppose we have a function that is not implemented yet, but we want to implement it in the future. Simply writing,

 def function(args): 

in the middle of a program will give us IndentationError. Instead of this, we construct a blank body with the pass statement.

 def function(args): pass 

We can do the same thing in an empty class as well.

 class example: pass 


return statement is used inside a function to exit it and return a value.

If we do not return a value explicitly, None is returned automatically. This is verified with the following example.

 def func_return(): a = 10 return a def no_return(): a = 10 print(func_return()) print(no_return()) 


 10 None 


while is used for looping in Python.

The statements inside a while loop continue to execute until the condition for the while loop evaluates to False or a break statement is encountered. Following program illustrates this.

 i = 5 while(i): print(i) i = i - 1 


 5 4 3 2 1 

Note that 0 is equal to False.

Learn more about Python while loop.


with statement is used to wrap the execution of a block of code within methods defined by the context manager.

Context manager is a class that implements __enter__ and __exit__ methods. Use of with statement ensures that the __exit__ method is called at the end of the nested block. This concept is similar to the use of try… finally block. Here, is an example.

 with open('example.txt', 'w') as my_file: my_file.write('Hello world!') 

This example writes the text Hello world! to the file example.txt. File objects have __enter__ and __exit__ method defined within them, so they act as their own context manager.

First the __enter__ method is called, then the code within with statement is executed and finally the __exit__ method is called. __exit__ method is called even if there is an error. It basically closes the file stream.


yieldкористи се унутар функције попут returnизјаве. Али yieldвраћа генератор.

Генератор је итератор који генерише по једну ставку. Велика листа вредности заузеће пуно меморије. Генератори су корисни у овој ситуацији јер генеришу само једну вредност истовремено, уместо да све вредности меморишу. На пример,

 >>> g = (2**x for x in range(100)) 

створиће генератор г који генерише снаге од 2 до броја два уздигнутих до степена 99. Бројеве можемо генерисати помоћу next()функције као што је приказано доле.

 >>> next(g) 1 >>> next(g) 2 >>> next(g) 4 >>> next(g) 8 >>> next(g) 16 

И тако даље … Овај тип генератора враћа се yieldнаредбом из функције. Ево примера.

 def generator(): for i in range(6): yield i*i g = generator() for i in g: print(i) 


 0 1 4 9 16 25 

Овде функција generator()враћа генератор који генерише квадрат бројева од 0 до 5. Ово се штампа у forпетљи.

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